GROUP 8 has continued to develop its own excellent contents and invest in human resources to date, not relying solely on star playwrights or celebrities. Various works GROUP 8 has made feature thoughts before the age, contents ahead of the curve and excellent enterprise planning and management, together with distinctive creativity, originality and authenticity thereby making its work pieces winning wide recognition and being box office hits.
GROUP 8 doughtily introduced pre-production systems in order to produce dramas of higher quality and has thus so far showcased a number of pre-production dramas. These seasoned experiences in pre-productions have been developed into more efficient production systems, which have enabled GROUP 8 to present more sophisticated, near perfect, works.
GROUP 8 places bigger emphasis than any other company do on having discerning eyes to see the values of contents. GROUP 8 appreciated and looked into value of the cartoon ‘Princess Hours’, resulting in the success of the drama of the same title, which later again is put into the form of musical under the same title. As can be seen in this case, GROUP 8 appreciates the work of great value and has discerning eyes to recognize those works, and this is the vision that GROUP 8 proudly asserts.
GROUP 8 has made a remarkable progress in spearheading global culture across the whole Asia. Armed with its far reaching and broad global network established with more than 30 business enterprises in 16 different countries around the world, GROUP 8 has carried out various global projects and GROUP 8 will be the front runner in the Korean global culture industry that continues to spread throughout the world.